I was excited to try out my Inky Frame 4.0, but when I tried running main.py (example file) I got the following:
ImportError: no module named ‘inky_frame’
This is after installing:
Did anyone else experience that?
January 4, 2023, 11:13am
I think you’ll need v1.19.11 for the new Inky Frame stuff.
March 4, 2023, 5:49pm
I’m pretty sure I have Pimoroni 1.9.14 on my Inky Frames (is there a way to tell?) and I’m getting an error about a missing wakeup
module. I’m just about to try some other versions.
MicroPython 67fac4e on 2023-02-16; Raspberry Pi Pico W with RP2040
Type "help()" for more information.
>>> import inky_frame
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "inky_frame.py", line 3, in <module>
ImportError: no module named 'wakeup'
>>> import wakeup
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: no module named 'wakeup'
>>> help('modules')
__main__ breakout_pmw3901 mip/__init__ uasyncio/stream
_boot breakout_potentiometer motor ubinascii
_boot_fat breakout_rgbmatrix5x5 neopixel ucollections
_onewire breakout_rtc network ucryptolib
_rp2 breakout_scd41 ntptime uctypes
_thread breakout_sgp30 onewire uerrno
_uasyncio breakout_trackball pcf85063a uhashlib
_webrepl breakout_vl53l5cx picographics uheapq
adcfft builtins picokeypad uio
automation cmath picoscroll ujson
breakout_as7262 dht picounicorn umachine
breakout_bh1745 ds18x20 pimoroni uos
breakout_bme280 encoder pimoroni_bus urandom
breakout_bme68x framebuf pimoroni_i2c ure
breakout_bmp280 gc plasma urequests
breakout_dotmatrix gfx_pack qrcode uselect
breakout_encoder hub75 rp2 usocket
breakout_icp10125 inky_frame servo ussl
breakout_ioexpander interstate75 uarray ustruct
breakout_ltr559 inventor uasyncio/__init__ usys
breakout_matrix11x7 jpegdec uasyncio/core utime
breakout_mics6814 lwip uasyncio/event uwebsocket
breakout_msa301 math uasyncio/funcs uzlib
breakout_paa5100 micropython uasyncio/lock version
Plus any modules on the filesystem
March 4, 2023, 10:32pm
I was using pimoroni-picow-v1.19.14-micropython.uf2 rather than pimoroni-picow_inky_frame-v1.19.14-micropython.uf2 based on the previous instructions in the guide - I see these have been updated to recommend the dedicated uf2.
A key part to that is to click on Show all 16 assets
as the Inky Frame versions “hide” at the bottom of the list.