ValueError: create_pen failed. No matching colour or space in palette!

I’m working with my 5.7" Inky Frame, and am currently trying to get the default Launcher app running. When running the though I’m getting the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 145, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 43, in launcher
ValueError: create_pen failed. No matching colour or space in palette!

I would expect this to work out of the box, and am unsure if I missed a step?

Okay I think I figured it out. This image in the getting started guide was throwing me off.

I got hung up on the “w” in “picow”, so I specifically downloaded the only one with “w” in its name for the current latest version (1.20.3) which is “pimoroni-picow-v1.20.3-micropython.uf2”. It seems this is wrong, and I needed the one with inky_frame in the name “pimoroni-inky_frame-v1.20.3-micropython.uf2”.

Oops! Glad to hear you figured it out, will update the screenshot to show the current .uf2 names when I get a moment.

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