Ive just received my interstate 75w board, but how on earth do you get it into boot mode? Ive plugged it into my Mac which shows as RP2350, not RPI-RP2 drive. I tried holding BOOT and RST but it keeps showing as RP2350, if I copy a .uf2 file it just disappears.
Showing up as RP2350 may be normal for the new I75W. My Pico 2 W’s show up as RP2350. The original i75W does show up as RPI-RP2 as it has a Pi Pico W (RP2040) on board.
And it disappearing after you drop a Micro Python uf2 file to it is normal. You access it via your IDE. In Thonny you configure the Interpreter, and away you go. Getting Started with Interstate 75
thanks, but I upload the uf2 file, the interstate reboots, showing again as RP2350, but with the uf2 file missing. I tried configuring Thonny, but nothing shows as connected to the USB
What uf2 file are you using, and how are you copying it to the i75?
To put it into Boot Mode you
Press and hold down the Boot and the Reset Button.
Then release the Reset, and then release the Boot button.
Then drag and drop your uf2 file to it.
It will then disappear and not show up as connected media.
After that you go looking for it in Thonny.
I’m using i75w_pr2350-v0.0.5
It appears as a drive called RP2350, if I drag and drop the uf2 file, it copies, and the Interstate reboots, but reappears as a connected drive. Its not detected in Thonny.
OK, I don’t have one of the New i75 W RP2350’s. The nearest I have is a Pico Plus 2 W. After flashing that with the file you mentioned it appears to flash OK and shows up in Thonny.
MicroPython master, on 2025-01-31; Interstate 75 W with RP2350
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Just to confirm, your only putting it in Boot mode to flash it, right? Once it’s flashed you just plug it in without pressing Boot select.
Hmm, I doesnt show up in Thonny, it seems to be stuck in boot mode. I pressed the BOOT button while plugging in the USB C, it pops up as a drive called RP2350, I copied over the file i75w_rp2350-v0.0.5-micropython-with-filesystem.uf2 RP2350 then disappears as the drive, but then a second later reappears back as RP2350, without me pressing any buttons.
If you haven’t already, I’d redownload the uf2 file. Maybe the one you have is corrupt? Might even be worth flashing it with a stock Micro Python Pico 2 W uf2 and see what happens? MicroPython - Python for microcontrollers
Everything I’m doing is on a Windows 10 PC, just so you know.
@abbottca Please can you drop support@pimoroni.com a line with a photo of your board? There was a packing error that may mean you’ve received the wrong version (which would explain why the .uf2 isn’t working).
If you flash it with the correct uf2, it should still be usable. JFYI.
Which i75 is it, just curious. To wipe it clean and start over fresh you can use this file. Raspberry Pi Documentation / resetting-flash-memory
Hey, i just recieved my own Interstate75 with the rp2350 chip and i have the same issue… after i upload the .uf2 file the board just disconnects from the computer and i have to unplug and replug it to get it to show up again, but it is again just in boot mode waiting for a uf2… any recommendations?
Please can you drop us a quick email at support@pimoroni.com with a photo of your board? There was an unfortunate packing mix-up that’s resulted in some folks getting sent boards with the incorrect amount of flash (2mb instead of 4mb), which is why the .uf2’s not working.
Hey, I received two Interstate 75 W RP2350 which show the same issue as described. When I upload a PICO2 W .uf2 file everything behaves as it should and the board show up in VSCode.
Is the Pimoroni .uf2 file that much bigger?
I have sent a photo of the board.