My Enviro (code) based Weather Station Build

My current snag is getting my VEML6075 breakout to work in Micro Python. It doesn’t want to play well with my other breakouts.
Veml6075 MicroPython driver? - Support - Pimoroni Buccaneers

My current mockup is on a large solderless breadboard.
Pico Lipo 16 mb version
Pico Display Pack v2. 240 x 320
1.54 LCD breakout, 240 x 240
BME280 (indoor)
BME688 (outdoor)
LTR-559 Light LUX sensor breakout
VEML6075 UV sensor breakout
RV3028 RTC

What’s left is to get the wind and rain sensor code setup, and the UV sensor working.
Then it will be time to split things up. The two displays will come off and a wifi pack will go on to send the readings to another PICO or Pi that’s indoors. I’ll split the code up and have the displays on the indoor side of it. The rest of it will be outside in a box.