I’ve just got a new Picade and when I go into EmulationStation it is not recognising the buttons or joystick. I’ve read through another thread:
and seem to be having the same problem as thereisreason was having i.e. I get the same gpio messages from mesg and not being able to cat /dev/input/by-path/platform-gpio_keys-event
I was using an existing image that I was using with a X-arcade controller, so have just built a new image on a different card, but still getting the same.Do I have to built it all up from scratch i.e. retropie, emulationstaion etc, as the one I’m using is pre-built with emulators and everything else already built in?
Oh, and I’ve tried reseating the HAT etc.
Installed Retropie from scratch and it is now working.