Someone, please give me a hints.
I feel little tired…
My PICADE screen shows “No Signal” on top left, and black out after few second.
I tried a lot of solution ideas from the internet, Through this week.
hdmi_force_hotplug=1? Ofcourse.
hdmi_safe=1? Ofcourse.
config_hdmi_boost? Yes, I tried to set that to 11. (Ofcourse it was in vain)
Connet to TV’s HDMI? Yes, I can see Retro Pi logo on my TV.
And I finished all required settings with TV.
Game sound is from small speaker on PICADE cabinet.
But still PICADE monitor screen shows simply black.
(From this, my HDMI cable, Raspberry Pi 3B+, PICADE X Board, Retro-Pi on micro SD are fine)
So, I’m connecting HDMI to my 60 inch TV.
60 inch TV!
Where is my tiny arcade days…
Some one, Please give me more hint about this situation.
Should I get one more screen?
or, Is there a solution I have not tried it yet…?
It sounds like there may be a fault with your screen driver board- sorry about that!
You should drop an email to with your order number and request a replacement. It’s also possible they might know some debugging steps that I don’t.