No usb drive after pimoroni uf2 upload


I’ve uploaded pimoroni-pico-v1.18.8-micropython on my pico, but after that windows or raspbian doesn’t recognize it as usb storage. Thonny recognize the pico on raspbian (but mu editor doesn’t on win10). For both system, I don’t see usb storage pico. Can you tell me why I don’t see pico as usb storage (like I do for circuit python uf2).

Many thanks inn advance for your help

ps: I’tried flash nuke too.

Best Regards

That’s normal for Micro Python. The stock non Pimoroni Micro Python uf2 file will do the same thing.

In Thonny you do a “file save as” and sellect pi pico. Save it as and it will be run on boot up.