I got my picade hat set up (hooray!) and there are tons of things I love about it (soft power on / off, powered speaker line, single source rather than having multiple cards rattling around), BUT I’ve got one very strange issue:
If I do NOT have a USB keyboard plugged in, the joystick isn’t recognized in Emulation Station or Attract Mode. I can’t figure it out - the power button will still work (long press to shut-down) but no other buttons are recognized.
Has anyone run into this? Is there some simple solution I’m missing? I have a portable (ish) system I’m making, and I can’t have a keyboard plugged in all the time!
The challenge here is that when the Pi is booted with USB keyboard is plugged in, the joystick + buttons work great! No keyboard plugged in, the joystick / buttons aren’t picked up at all :-/
Boot with USB Keyboard plugged in: joystick + buttons work great!
Boot w/out USB Keyboard plugged in: joystick + buttons unresponsive in EmulationStation or Attract mode EXCEPT the power button (which will still turn off the console)
I will definitely try your fix when I get home tonight - thanks for the advice!
I can think of some reasons why this might be the case. I’d guess EmulationStation requires a device to be present when it fires up, or at least present, for the emulated UInput events to be detected.
What happens if you boot up without a USB Keyboard plugged in, and then plug it in after EmulationStation has started?
OK, I downloaded the file & ran the command - sadly no dice. When the keyboard isn’t plugged in at bootup, the joystick / button inputs aren’t recognized (pressing buttons / moving joystick does nothing).
OK - I tried booting up w/out a keyboard and then plugging it in after startup: no dice, neither the keyboard OR the joystick is recognized. Any idea on how to fix?
Sorry for being so chatty - but I have more information! I followed RogueM’s advice and SSH’d in (while the joystick was unresponsive) and ran the showkey action. The joystick & keyboard were recognized, and showed responses like:
keycode 103 press
keycode 103 release
So, the real question is why emulationstation or attract mode aren’t picking up on it unless I boot w/ the keyboard plugged in.
So, one step forward: I can now boot up & navigate emulationstation / attract mode w/out having a USB keyboard plugged in. Hooray! However, I can’t figure out how to reset my key bindings so that I can actually play any games that use Retroarch (advmame controls work fine). I’ve tried deleting the retroarch.cfg file in the opt/all section, copying back in my old ones, but nothing seems to work.
Any idea on how I can restore / reset joystick controls for retroarch? Right now I can’t play any retroarch games (ex: FBA, SNES, etc).
Well, the problem is not emulationstation – that (and attract mode) works a treat! The problem now is the underlying “retroarch” system that provides keyboard mappings for the majority of retropie emulators is for some reason not working. So, to be clear:
I can navigate ES and Attract Mode w/ no difficulties, including launching games & accessing the “configure input” controls (which didn’t help the problems below)
When I launch an emulator that requires retroarch, for some reason the controls do not respond.(I’m guessing a mapping issue somehow? Very vexxing).
When I launch an emulator that does not use retroarch (like AdvMame) it runs fine - my old keyboard mappings work great.
I’ll try to delete the es_input configs just in case that helps… thanks for the advice, I’m so close to a fully functional picade-hat powered console!