The Pico Display Pack 2.8" is designed to connect with all the Pico pins, because it is a pack, clearly. This would not leave any vacant pins for the rest of my project to use.
Can I use this display off the Pico, connected by jumper wires? If so, which pins must I connect? The schematic shows a huge number of connections. Surely they can’t all be in use?
Really in use are only the pins routed to the FPC22 (on the right) and the backlight control pin. Some other pins (e.g. I2C, switches) are wired, but can be repurposed (as long as you don’t use them). Also, the RGB-LED pins can be repurposed (you must cut the tracks on the back though).
Some of the Pico-pins are routed to the SP/CE connector. Although they have specific labels (e.g. UART_TX/DC) they can be used for anything you like (as long as the corresponding Pico-pin supports it).
Another option you have: use an IOExpander and connect it to the Stemma/Qt port. The expander will give you plenty of additional pins.
…you could also use any kind of expander (e.g. the Pico Decker Quad Expander) to get more stuff connected to the PICO and make use of the other GPIOs…
…look up the display’s schematics to find out the used GPIOs for the display and than make use of the free ones on the expander board…
Thank you. This is very reassuring. Now that I know which pins are used and there are plenty still available, I have ordered this.
These expanders are very impressive and will solve a lot of problems. It should be noted however that the Pico Display Pack 2.8" notes state it won’t work at all with Pico Decker. It will (just!) fit a Pico Omnibus.
I find Deckers really neat and useful.
If using the Display 2.8" I just put a couple of female breadboard headers below the display to lift the IO ports above the pins. Works very well.
…absolutely, was also my idea…🙈
@Pithagoras, a word of caution: be very careful while removing the display again from any other device (Pico or expander, etc) as the headers are just slightly soldered and could easily break off the display… best is to gently move if from one side to the other while (carefully) lifting…