Hi can anyone help me please, I have purchased the Pico wireless pack and no matter what I do I always receive the following message :
Device is busy or does not respond. Your options:
wait until it completes current work;
use Ctrl+C to interrupt current work;
use Stop/Restart to interrupt more and enter REPL.
I have no other issuses with anything I am trying to do, I have tried three different Picos do you think I may have a faulty unit? Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi I have attached the pack directly to the Pico as per instructions making sure it was the correct way round, yes I soldered on the headers (I work in an electronics lab so soldering a big part of my daily routine) the code I was using were the examples download from the pimoroni site.
Hmm, I honestly don’t know, I’ve just connected mine the way you’ve described and the MicroPython http rgb example works fine on the latest Micropython firmware (v0.2.1), have you updated that?