Pimoroni display shows a corrupted image

I am trying to get my Pimoroni HyperPixel 3.5" display working with Raspberry Pi Zero W. The Raspberry Pi works with a standard HDMI monitor. I set up my RPi with NOOBS and then ran the script from https://get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel4.

When I connect the LCD, the image is corrupted.
I tried changing the rotation from LCD_ROTATE=3 to LCD_ROTATE=0 and that changed the rotation as expected but didn’t improve the reversed/ color inverted image.

The background picture is fjord so all the detail in the image is there, just not in the correct order. You can see the menu bar at the top of the screen; reversed and in some weird color scheme. Also, the image is small, it should fill the screen.

Is this the new Hyperpixel or the original older version? Did you run the correct installer?

How would I tell the difference? It is this one from Seeed Studio https://www.seeedstudio.com/Pimoroni-HyperPixel-3.5"-Hi-Res-Display-for-Raspberry-PI-p-3001.html

Look on the back side, the new one has a Gold 4.0 silkscreened on it. The old one is 3.5 inch and the new one is 4.0 inch, as near as I can tell. If you have the older one you likely need to use the older installer.
old > https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel
curl https://get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel | bash
New > https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel4
git clone https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel4

EDIT: That link you posted is to the older 3.5 inch hyperpoixel. Looks like the bigger one in the picture though?

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Ok. I have the 3.5" so think i used the wing installer. Thanks. I’ll try the older version.

Yuuuup that’s definitely the wrong installer! Actually a pretty impressive result, too :D Almost art!

Just run the uninstaller and you should be back to stock.

Installing the correct drivers made the screen size correct but I could never get it working with my Raspberry Pi ZeroW.

I switched to Raspberry Pi 3B+ and it works great. Thanks.

It looks like that screen is a bit resource hungry, so a 3B or 3B+ is likely a better choice anyway. Glad you got it sorted out.

@gadgetoid Phil, I couldn’t find the older Hyperpixel in the store section? That made finding the GitHub driver page a little tricky, just FYI
I went here, https://github.com/pimoroni and hunted around to find the old hyperpixel. Maybe there should be a link to that main GitHub page in the links section at the bottom of the Shop Page?