I run into troubles with a Pi Zero W and Latest Raspbian.
Please note that I’m pretty experienced with the PIs: I Use them since the first version, got several Pi Zero and another Pi Zero W from another retailer (this last one runs fine).
This seems to be an issue with the specific Pi Zero W I just got from Pimoroni:
I use the latest Raspbian Image.
When booting, or apt-get upgrade, or some apt-get install, I get kernel panics and Oops.
(The other Pi Zero W I got runs fine for all this)
This looks like a SD problem, so here is what I tried :
Use other SD cards
I tried with more thant 5 sd cards (class 10, compatible, new ones as well as sd cards that works on other PIs)
Same errors each time. So far, I never get the Pi to apt-get update without crashing.
Tested on too many sd cards and sd cards knows to work on other Zero W, so the issue if definitely not the sd card. -
Make sure the power supply is solid.
I used a 2 Amp power supply, a short usb cable. I tried with wlan deactivated. No change.
No doubt about the power supply. -
install and run rpi-update
I could install rpi-update and run it.
Rebooted, then same thing, apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade crashes.
I spent several hours burning sd cards and trying all I thought of.
Wifi only, ethernet adapter only, ethernet over usb only: no change at all, always the crashes.
So it looks like this Raspberry or at least its card reader is defective.
Is there anything else to try ?