The demo is, in fact, the Theremin, it’s just very poorly named!
The theramin.pd file is actually baked into the little python library which loads, so they’re effectively the same thing. ( open and scroll riiiiight down to see this for yourself )
theremin.pd is, however, provided so you can have a go at tinkering with it and making your own puredata setup. To use it, you should install puredata-gui and then you’ll find “Pure Data” in Menu -> Sound & Video.
Open up Pure Data and you’ll be able to use it to open the theremin.pd file and figure out what makes it tick.
At the moment, though, doesn’t readily support connecting to a pd instance you’ve started yourself, but it should be a relatively easy tweak- you can probably just comment out the line self.start_pd().
Once you’ve created and saved your own twist on theremin.pd you can change the call to PDTone() in to load it, by supplying the filename:
tone = PDTone("myownpdfile.pd")
PD is a little bit mind-bending, but quite fun. I can’t attest to have got my head around it yet!
This is something I’d love to see- my experience with 3D is very, very limited ( some WebGL stuff ) - although in retrospect it strikes me it could be faked pretty well in 2D isometric… in fact you could make an isometric game with the Skywriter as the input :D
Was able to tweak David Gurney’s Voice Granulator patch to accept the Skywriter X/Y/Z input on the Pi. (Had already tweaked the same patch for accelerometer input from Touch OSC.)
Really nice effect. Running into some audio problems after a while, maybe because it’s too taxing on the Pi. Might use the same thing to drive a Pd patch on a more powerful machine.