RP2350 Explorer Kit

Just received my kit. Very nice with great screen and demo software.
Where can I find all the files it came loaded with so that I can replace them at a later date after playing with my own code?

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I would guess this repo has the demo files?

Thanks. Just what I wanted.

The .py files are easy to save its the. jpg, .af and .png that are difficult.

There should probably be a link to the repo from the product page, but it looks like it got missed (or well hidden!) in this case…

There is a link under Getting Started, so well hidden I guess. :P

The artwork on the PCB looks amazing, I hope they keep doing that.


Yeah its does look nice. =) And that’s the 2.8" LCD. I have a prototype PicoW Explorer (RP2040) here. It’s a bit smaller. It has those same buttons, and I like them a whole lot better than the other smaller ones you find on the Display Pack etc.

huh. no clue how I managed to miss that multiple times :rofl:

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It happens, been there done that. ;)

Loads of LEDs included but no 330 Ohm resistors which are essential.

We’ve added on-board resistors to all the output headers and croc clip pads, so you don’t need to use external ones to protect the LEDs :)

Unless I’ve misunderstood and you’re planning on using the resistors for something different?

Thanks. That is good to know. Not yet caught up with all the documentation.

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I’ve just tried the explorer_sensor_stick_demo and the LUX reading appears to be stuck on zero, even when I shine a torch at it.

If I cover it with my finger, really close up and blocking out light, I can get it to about 35. ???

What range of readings should I expect as this appears not to be working properly.

The other sensors are providing values as I would expect.

I’m getting the same - think we might have LUX and PROX the wrong way round there 🙃

Does the following behave more sensibly?

# Display readings from the multi-sensor stick on the Explorer screen
from explorer import display, i2c, BLACK, WHITE, RED
from breakout_ltr559 import BreakoutLTR559
from lsm6ds3 import LSM6DS3
from breakout_bme280 import BreakoutBME280
import time

# Clear all layers first

    ltr = BreakoutLTR559(i2c)
    lsm = LSM6DS3(i2c)
    bme = BreakoutBME280(i2c)
except OSError:
    # Clear the screen
    display.text("Multi-Sensor stick not detected! :(", 10, 95, 320, 3)

while True:

    # Set the layer we're going to be drawing to.

    prox, _, _, _, _, _, lux = ltr.get_reading()
    ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz = lsm.get_readings()
    temperature, pressure, humidity = bme.read()
    if lux is not None:
        display.text(f"Lux: {lux:.0f}\nProx: {prox:.0f}", 0, 0, 320, 3)
    if ax is not None:
        display.text(f"Accelerometer:\nX: {ax:.0f}, Y: {ay:.0f}, \nZ: {az:.0f}\nGyro:\nX: {gx:.0f}, Y: {gy:.0f}, \nZ: {gz:.0f}", 0, 45, 320, 3)
    if temperature is not None:
        display.text(f"Temperature: {temperature:.2f}°C,\nHumidity: {humidity:.0f}%,\nPressure: {pressure / 100:.0f}hPa", 0, 180, 320, 3)

Ah snap. I was going to flash mine with the custom uf2 but mine is RP2040 not RP2350B. And the examples, as written, don’t work on mine. I’m not complaining, just explaining why I can’t test the new examples. I have the sensor stick and was going to have a look see but it’s not going to work for me right out of the box on my Explorer. :(
I have tested the stick on a stock Pico when I got it. I had to add a py file for the LSM6DS3.

That has fixed the Lux but Prox only works in the nearest cm and rises as my finger gets closer. It should be: ’ ~5cm proximity detection range’.

I will have a closer look at the data sheet.

Where is the full board circuit diagram?

You could give this file a try.
pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/breakout_ltr559/demo.py at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)

I’m seeing the same thing with my sensor stick running the demo file I linked to above. I have to almost touch it for the proximity to change.

Lux: 27.258 Prox: 0
Lux: 17.5398 Prox: 10
Lux: 7.5848 Prox: 32
Lux: 5.9256 Prox: 29
Lux: 6.3996 Prox: 16
Lux: 12.7994 Prox: 16
Lux: 11.6142 Prox: 18
Lux: 11.3772 Prox: 14
Lux: 12.0882 Prox: 6
Lux: 13.5104 Prox: 4

I’m getting the same behaviour. I wonder if something needs configuring differently to extend the proximity range to 5cm?

I asked our engineers for a tidied up schematic to put on the shop page earlier, so we should hopefully have one up in the next few days.

@alphanumeric If you edit explorer.py so it has the right pin numbers and display type for your board you might be able to get some of the examples working. I think anything using layers or picovector might only work on RP2350 though!

@hel I have a pimoroni.py file that sets the pin numbers etc. You gave it to me way back when I got the Pico W Explorer to play with. I’ll try renaming it explorer.py and see what happens.

EDIT: That didn’t work, ImportError: can't import name display.
I’ll have to go find the explorer.py file and edit it.