Just received my kit. Very nice with great screen and demo software.
Where can I find all the files it came loaded with so that I can replace them at a later date after playing with my own code?
I would guess this repo has the demo files?
Thanks. Just what I wanted.
The .py files are easy to save its the. jpg, .af and .png that are difficult.
There should probably be a link to the repo from the product page, but it looks like it got missed (or well hidden!) in this case…
There is a link under Getting Started, so well hidden I guess. :P
The artwork on the PCB looks amazing, I hope they keep doing that.
Yeah its does look nice. =) And that’s the 2.8" LCD. I have a prototype PicoW Explorer (RP2040) here. It’s a bit smaller. It has those same buttons, and I like them a whole lot better than the other smaller ones you find on the Display Pack etc.
huh. no clue how I managed to miss that multiple times :rofl:
It happens, been there done that. ;)
Loads of LEDs included but no 330 Ohm resistors which are essential.
We’ve added on-board resistors to all the output headers and croc clip pads, so you don’t need to use external ones to protect the LEDs :)
Unless I’ve misunderstood and you’re planning on using the resistors for something different?
Thanks. That is good to know. Not yet caught up with all the documentation.
I’ve just tried the explorer_sensor_stick_demo and the LUX reading appears to be stuck on zero, even when I shine a torch at it.
If I cover it with my finger, really close up and blocking out light, I can get it to about 35. ???
What range of readings should I expect as this appears not to be working properly.
The other sensors are providing values as I would expect.
I’m getting the same - think we might have LUX and PROX the wrong way round there 🙃
Does the following behave more sensibly?
# Display readings from the multi-sensor stick on the Explorer screen
from explorer import display, i2c, BLACK, WHITE, RED
from breakout_ltr559 import BreakoutLTR559
from lsm6ds3 import LSM6DS3
from breakout_bme280 import BreakoutBME280
import time
# Clear all layers first
ltr = BreakoutLTR559(i2c)
lsm = LSM6DS3(i2c)
bme = BreakoutBME280(i2c)
except OSError:
# Clear the screen
display.text("Multi-Sensor stick not detected! :(", 10, 95, 320, 3)
while True:
# Set the layer we're going to be drawing to.
prox, _, _, _, _, _, lux = ltr.get_reading()
ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz = lsm.get_readings()
temperature, pressure, humidity = bme.read()
if lux is not None:
display.text(f"Lux: {lux:.0f}\nProx: {prox:.0f}", 0, 0, 320, 3)
if ax is not None:
display.text(f"Accelerometer:\nX: {ax:.0f}, Y: {ay:.0f}, \nZ: {az:.0f}\nGyro:\nX: {gx:.0f}, Y: {gy:.0f}, \nZ: {gz:.0f}", 0, 45, 320, 3)
if temperature is not None:
display.text(f"Temperature: {temperature:.2f}°C,\nHumidity: {humidity:.0f}%,\nPressure: {pressure / 100:.0f}hPa", 0, 180, 320, 3)
Ah snap. I was going to flash mine with the custom uf2 but mine is RP2040 not RP2350B. And the examples, as written, don’t work on mine. I’m not complaining, just explaining why I can’t test the new examples. I have the sensor stick and was going to have a look see but it’s not going to work for me right out of the box on my Explorer. :(
I have tested the stick on a stock Pico when I got it. I had to add a py file for the LSM6DS3.
That has fixed the Lux but Prox only works in the nearest cm and rises as my finger gets closer. It should be: ’ ~5cm proximity detection range’.
I will have a closer look at the data sheet.
Where is the full board circuit diagram?
You could give this file a try.
pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/breakout_ltr559/demo.py at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico (github.com)
I’m seeing the same thing with my sensor stick running the demo file I linked to above. I have to almost touch it for the proximity to change.
Lux: 27.258 Prox: 0
Lux: 17.5398 Prox: 10
Lux: 7.5848 Prox: 32
Lux: 5.9256 Prox: 29
Lux: 6.3996 Prox: 16
Lux: 12.7994 Prox: 16
Lux: 11.6142 Prox: 18
Lux: 11.3772 Prox: 14
Lux: 12.0882 Prox: 6
Lux: 13.5104 Prox: 4
I’m getting the same behaviour. I wonder if something needs configuring differently to extend the proximity range to 5cm?
I asked our engineers for a tidied up schematic to put on the shop page earlier, so we should hopefully have one up in the next few days.
@alphanumeric If you edit explorer.py so it has the right pin numbers and display type for your board you might be able to get some of the examples working. I think anything using layers or picovector might only work on RP2350 though!
@hel I have a pimoroni.py file that sets the pin numbers etc. You gave it to me way back when I got the Pico W Explorer to play with. I’ll try renaming it explorer.py and see what happens.
EDIT: That didn’t work, ImportError: can't import name display
I’ll have to go find the explorer.py file and edit it.