SP/CE device to device?

Can you connect and use a Display Pack V2.8, with a Plasma 2350 via the SP/CE connector and SP/CE cable?
The LED and Buttons won’t work, but will the display work with signals over that bus / cable?
Or one of the SPI LCD Breakouts?
Or Pico Plus 2 SP/CE to a display with a SP/CE connector?

I forgot I had this. :(

Looking at that, I’m thinking not going to work with the Display pack V2.8? Not without a Pico plugged in and some trickery software. =(

I don’t think so (or at least not without additional wiring) - as I understand it the SP/CE connector on Display 2.8" can only be used as an ‘out’, not an ‘in’.

@hel , yeah after I revisited the partial schematic, I came to the same conclusion. It’s out only on the Display Pack 2.8.

I should still be able to wire something up like an SPI LCD to the SP/CE on the plasma though?