Transistor - An alternative Pirate Radio software

Hi there,

I just talked about that project in another thread and thought I would start its own topic and see if it gathers some feedback.

I’m an avid web radios listener and have tried various ways to listen to them over the years. Now I really like to have a dedicated device so I don’t have to rely on the computer or phone to listen to the radio. At some point I started using the Pirate Radio and the pHAT beat. I found it neat.

My goal now is to have a hardware kit that I can install anywhere easily, be it in an old radio case or a nice wooden case made for that purpose, or even a toaster.

In order to support that, I have created and I maintain the software to power the radio player.
I try to make it as clean as I can, following best practices from the Raspberry Pi foundation, Linux and Python.

I call it Transistor and you can find it here: GitHub - pirateradiohack/Transistor: Transistor is an internet radio streaming client for embedded devices (Raspberry Pi).

I have tested it successfully with the pHAT beat and with Pirate audio hardware (audio amp shim).

I try to keep its features simple, listening to web radios, control through buttons, web interface, mpd applications and ssh. It is ready to go on a SD card.

Feel free to try it, I’ll be happy to receive some feedback!

I will be very interested to try this. I got a Pirate a while back and have never got it to work at all. Mopidy will not play anything.

I really want it for Spotify but some internet-based radio may be nice.

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