So I have four Envirourbans in total spread across our town reading air quality at different points. Each exhibits the annoying bug that as the batteries go flat, wifi drops out, the memory fills up, and changing the batteries doesn’t work unless I cycle out, pick them up, delete files via Thonny, and drop them off again.
So, I see that the release 0.2.0 looks like it has community fixes for this issue - pity Pimoroni don’t ship them with that new image.
So I’ve done the reset with boot set. The board appears in my iMac finder as RPI - I drag the pimoroni-enviro-v1.22.2…v0.2.0.uf2 image across in finder. The image copies and the board disconnects itself.
But, instead of going into provisioning it sits with a red led on and a white if USB is connected. I can’t connect with Thonny anymore, I can’t get it into provisioning either on battery alone, or battery and usb. The board is stuck.
I’ve tried the Nuke image, and the v0.1.0.uf2
Now after leaving it a couple of minutes it went into provisioning mode, so I reprovisioned it and reset.
The board reboots, but still the red LED is on. Poke doesn’t work, and I still can’t connect with Thonny.
So i’m a little stumped as I can’t see the error log, but clearly the board is sort of alive.
What is the significance of the solid red LED please on the Enviro Urban? Any suggestions as to how to proceed?
A different image?
I went back and tried the 0.1.0.uf2 image. After leaving it for 1/2 hour post refresh I noticed it had gone into provisioning mode, but for an Enviro Indoor, not an Enviro Urban.
So now reflashed again with the 0.2.0.uf2 image
Waiting to see if it eventually goes into provisioning mode. At the moment after self initiated reboot after flash it’s been sat there with a red LED and a white LED on for 15 minutes.
How does it detect the Enviro Urban board? Could this be the issue, it’s detecting incorrect hardware at boot?