What do you mean professionally? Like a new design or printed?
I apologize, I was asking about printing services, but I have toyed with having something custom designed.
I found someone local to me. What I did was take the template on a thumb drive and then took the actual cut out that came with the picade and told them to make it to that exact size and shape. They did fine.
SIr, do you mind sending me the black bordered file? it is exactly what I was looking for to use on the picade I am putting together for my nephew. He absolutely loves the original DK arcade machine.
Are you asking me for the middle template on the full donkey Kong? The one with the art and middle black border for 8 inch screen?
Yes sir. THat is the one.
These are fantastic! Any chance of getting these in pdf format for use in Adobe Illustrator?
Which ones are you wanting me to send you? PM me so I can send them.
These are so good, where are you guys printing these? I looked online… they want to print to standard sizes (Fedex office, staples, etc) but not 13x19.
took mine to a local print shop
Ok, thanks, that makes sense. I need to see if there are local print shops left any more near here.
Hey @angel77lopez . WOULD YOU BE KIND…to share your Donkey Kong art??? The art for 8 inch screen with the black boarder… love the work you are doing. Keep up the great work…Thanks !!!
@angel77lopez Thanks so much! I will bring this to a print shop and when I am done building, I will share!