I have not received my order (RP 3) which was shipped on the 16th of March. I have send direct email to support, and also complete a form here. Both have no response. I provided my order number in both cases. Please advice what else I can do.
@rady we received your email at 7:52PM on Friday, at which time we’d all departed for the weekend. I’ve updated the contact page with working hours to better communicate this.
I responded to your email some 7 days ago and handed it over to the shop team. I’m sorry they haven’t got back to you yet. I’ve duly prodded them.
Our response, when dealing with missing Royal Mail deliveries, would often be to wait 21 days- things can go temporarily missing and spontaneously turn up- but since it’s already been that long I’ve no doubt a replacement package will be shipped to you promptly.