Picade HAT audio via HDMI?


I have just today installed and loaded the software for my Picade HAT onto a Raspberry Pi 3B+ for the main purpose of wiring up a power button, which works well.

Sound was working fine to my monitor before I rebooted (after installing the picade software) and now I do not get sound? I assume it is because the software has changed something to redirect sound to the Picade HAT audio terminals? How can I change just those settings back so the sound comes back out via HDMI?

Sorry if this has been asked before, I could not find it anywhere I searched.


You should edit /boot/config.txt and change #dtparam=audio=on to dtparam=audio=on IE:: uncomment it. Or remove a line dtparam=audio=off if it exists.

The software also changes /etc/asound.conf which you can safely remove or rename to /etc/asound.conf.hp4

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Awesome thank you I will try this tonight. I did the first part but that did not seem to make any difference, but I have not tried renaming the asound file so I am sure that will do it.
Thanks again!

I registered so that I could say thank you for the easy instructions to change this and for the suggestion to rename the file. I reverted the change so that I could hook the Picade Hat up to the single speaker on my Nintendo Vs can. Now I have very authentic sound. Very happy.


HI, felt i had to say thanks. spent countless hours trying to fix this assuming it was an issue with the build image.

All sort with a single ‘#’ - THANK YOU!!!

One more thank you here, I also spent way too long on this before reading this simple fix. That inbuilt speaker on the picade console kit is brutal, way too loud to not have a quick hardware volume control in reach. Much happier being able to set volume through the HDMI instead.