I have constructed my own picade this weekend and everything is fine, except for the controls…
I have installed a raspberry pi 3B in the picade. Using Retropie as the software on the sdcard.
I already uncommented the line for hdmi, so my screen is working perfectly.
The only problem left is setting up the controls…
I have followed all wiring as stated in the youtube video.
Volumecontrol for the speakers works like a charm, the other controls unfortunately do not get recognized.
I have attached a keyboard to the pi and logging keys works. Usb-cables have been exchanged and work aswell. I have been able to setup controlbuttons and stick just once after using a keyboard, but before that (for about 10 reboots) and after that one time, it just does not seem to recognize the picade pcb as a usb-controller… can anybody help out please?
support from pimoroni advised me to update the software on the pcb, but I have zero experience in doing so… can anybody help me out with a step by step guide please?
do I put the unzipped files from github on the sdcard? do I put them on a usbdrive?
How do i reach the necessary files from the retropie install?
etc etc…
Installing the firmware update : the whole thing runs and ends with : if the update does not continue automatically press reset on your picade… reset button on the pcb does nothing…
you need to contact support@pimoroni.com for a replacement… feel free to reference this thread as a means to show you tried to troubleshoot the problem (and that my conclusion is that the board is dead, or at least the USB transmission).