As the title implies, i’m working on a project which needs lipo charging and wireless together. The pimoroni pico lipo looks really nice, but i can’t find anything on wireless. This probably means there isn’t any but wanted to check. Also, is there a good lipo shim alternative for the standard pico or wireless upgrade for the pico lipo? Thank you.
The Pico Lipo doesn’t have wireless onboard.
There is a Lipo Shim for a Pico. Out of stock at the moment.
LiPo SHIM for Pico
Other options are the Amigo Pro, also out of stock. :(
LiPo Amigo (LiPo/LiIon Battery Charger)
In addition to the info @alphanumeric gave you: you could connect an external WIFI-chip to the Pico lipo. But if you can handle this depends on what programming language you are using, what you want to do and what skills you have.
Another thing to keep in mind for battery-based projects: the lipo-connector and charger won’t help you if you don’t add power-management to your setup. Without power-management, the pico will drain your battery faster than you think. This is especially true if you add wireless.
Power drain isn’t a huge concern because our project has about 9 hours more battery than it needs.
Thanks everyone for their help. Found a suitable charger board for pico w.
Is it possible to just mark it as solved?
There should be an icon for that down by the reply button. I think thats where it is. Only the thread starter will have it as an option and be able to see it. ;)