Pirate radio software for buster

I am a little confused as to how to download the pirate radio software for Buster as I have seen some posts that the curl command in the documentation only works with Stretch but there is another on github which I can’t find that works with Buster and without the Vlc-nox, and lastly there was mentioned to download the phat-beat libraries using the curl one line installer but will that give me the vlcradio functionality? Sorry for all the newbie questions but hope you can help me out.

Curl works in Buster, I’ve used it several times. There was, and may still be, an issue with Pimoroni’s curl install script for the Pirate Radio install. I’ve seen reports of a VLC error when installing on Buster.
My Pirate Radio install is the older phat Beat version and I’m still running Stretch. I haven’t had any issues in a long time so I haven’t had to reinstall.
There is a manual install option here.

The guide I originally followed was this one

If your using a Pi Zero, or Zero W you could use Jessie or Stretch instead of Buster. I’ll see if I can find my link to those images and get back to you with that link.

Found it