There is nothing wrong with the 32g SD card, infact i later used it to successfully boot a raspberry 3B.
i also tried getting a new 15g SD card, same result. :/
The RED light is turned on, but no flashing of the green/yellow leds.
Just in case … the obvious one … Are you using the very latest NOOBS version 2.8.2 (27-June-2018) or Raspbian Stretch/Lite Kernel 4.14 with the same date.
There have been changes for the 3B+ and older ISO/IMG’s are inappropriate.
What he said, with each new Pi release the boot code has to be undated in Raspbian. If you put that SD card in your 3B and run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade it “should” then be bootable in a 3B+.