When I plug headphones into the side of my picade audio still comes out of the speakers as well. Depending how far in I plug the headphones the audio from the speakers does decrease somewhat.
My assumption was the speakers would be off with headphones plugged in.
I did run into a problem while hooking the picade audio up during my build. The jack on the picade board wasn’t soldered on very well and came completely off the board while plugging the audio cable from the picade to the pi in for the first time.
I was able to reheat all the solder points to the best of my abilities, audio from the speakers is fine so I assume that was a success. The other jack I assume is fine but now I’m wondering…
Is this a known issue or should the speakers be off completely with headphones in?
Speakers should stop emitting when you plug headphones in. It sounds like the switch on the ‘phones’ side is jammed, did you have to touch that one up or only the side reserved for the source?
I didn’t not need to mess with that side. I visually checked it and tried to physically wiggle it and it seems pretty solidly connected. It definer lowers the sound volume when phone are connected so it’s doing something.
My screen was badly damaged in shipment so it’s possible the picade board was too.
Is the disabling of the speakers handled by some sort of switch in the port or does the firmware handle that?
It is handled by the firmware, but there’s a physical switch that closes/opens what I understand is basically a voltage divider.
Both cases, stuck open and stuck closed, can sometime occur. If yours exhibit a behaviour where as the sound dips somewhat though, I’m not sure this is either.
One thing to note though is that the phone is a direct out of the source, and in theory it should be possible to lower the volume to zero for the speakers while not affecting the phones level. Not ideal, but if the controls respond for you then you can workaround it, I guess.
You’re right, lowering the volume has no affect on the headphone port, that’s a pretty tolerable solution, still scratching my head as to why the speakers don’t shut off. If there are another other ideas I’ll take em.
I’ve just built my Picade and I have a similar issue. With the volume turned down the sound only comes out of the headphones but as the volume is increased it starts to come out of the speakers as well as the headphones.
[quote=“Paulcheffus, post:6, topic:2335”]
With the volume turned down the sound only comes out of the headphones but as the volume is increased it starts to come out of the speakers as well as the headphones.[/quote]
That, by itself, is normal, you are not prohibited to set a level for your speakers when a headphone is already plugged in. But plugging some in should mute the speakers, and on removal restore the volume in application prior to plugging in the headphones.